Långö moves north to Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi

We at Bovalls Dörrbyggeri are proud that our front doors can adorn this iconic building and look forward to the collaboration. Our respective companies are based on a common foundation of Swedish craftsmanship and ecological sustainability, and it is very exciting that our different natural materials can meet and complement each other.

ytterdörr med liggande panel i teak

“At Icehotel, we see value in having Swedish weather-resistant quality doors that can withstand the Arctic climate, and we value Bovalls for its craftsmanship and carefully selected materials,” says Malin Franck, CEO of Icehotel.


The door model Icehotel has chosen is called Långö and is a front door with a horizontal solid panel and is one of our bestsellers. Långö can be ordered in Oak, Teak or Freijo, and all these door models are FSC-certified.

Bovall’s doors are used to salty winds, storms and tough challenges. We are therefore convinced that Långö will thrive in the challenging climate at Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi. Anyone who wants to see the doors in place in the Icehotel will have to wait until late spring, when they will be in place to the veranda and the Inn.


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Galleriet i Bovallstrand är öppet vardagar kl.8-16. Andra tider kan ev. bokas.