Here are some of our customers' sayings:

– Nu är dörren på plats! Vi är så nöjda. Ett lyft både ute och inne i hallen. Vi funderade och tittade på olika dörrar, men när vi varit hos Er till slut vet vi att det blev det bästa!
Gunilla & Ingvar Axelsson

– I greatly appreciate the service you have given us throughout the process. Mistakes can always occur, the important thing is that they are corrected.
Henrik Heiberg

– We were very satisfied with the doors you delivered to us in Oslo. Now another customer has been in the house, and wants the same doors.
Johan Wathne, Urbanhus Oslo AS

– We just wanted to tell you the door is now installed and in place, and it is gorgeous! We are so happy with our door!
Filip & Hege Prestby Andersen

"- A thousand thanks for great service, this is world class! Getting help with a 10 year old order, there are not many companies in Sweden who hold such high standards. I will make sure to get my door treated right away, so that it holds up for another 10 years. Your doors have a very rarely seen quality."

// Anna Knutsson

– A thousand million thanks, great and useful information and first class service. Da gjør vi som du foreslår, og oljen skal vi nok finne her i Oslo.
Christine Sommerfelt

– First I just have to commend your beautiful doors. We have previously bought two of your exterior doors (Florö) and we are extremely happy with them, they are the jewels of our house. People have knocked on our door several times just to ask us where we bought them.
Rebecca Stolt

– We are very pleased with the beautiful interior and exterior doors. The veneer and color are perfect, the work is precisely done and the feeling of quality is world class.
Jan Engvall, Engvall Öhrman Arkitekter AB

– So happy with our new entrance, finally our house is done.
Hildegun Nordli

– The doors are now installed and they look just stunning! Send my thanks to the craftsmen.
Asgeir Mamen

– We are very happy with the end result. As we said earlier, we knew we had made the right choice with our door.
Annicka & Ronny Malm

– Vi kjøpte noen ubehandlede kryssfiner-furu-dører fra dere for et år siden. Vi er kjempefornøyde og synes dørene er kjempefine! Transporten med Schenker gikk helt prikkfritt. Dørene ble ikke mellomlagret men transportert direkte til byggeplassen og til tiden. Et lite minus er at karmene til disse dørene burde vaere spesielt utvalgt uten kvister/spuns/propper (noe som selvsagt ikke er nødvendig hvis karmene skal males).
Audun Stjern

– Nå er døren fra Bovalls montert og ytterveggene malt, dere har virkelig gjort flott arbeid og snekkerne som monterte den var også veldig imponerte over kvaliteten. Vi er superfornøyde! Takk for veldig god hjelp med bestilling og leveranse av en flott ytterdør.
Astrid Koksvik-Engen

– Da er vi i hus og dørene er absolutt husets store høydepunkt – de er så vakre, og så flotte med valnøttkarm også! Tusen hjertelig takk for god veiledning og samarbeid.
Anna-Marie Augustin


You are always warmly welcome to contact us with your questions and thoughts! We help you with tips, advice and inspiration so that you can choose the right door for your particular home.

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